Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Traveling to the Interior

This was really cool for me.  There is a woodcarver, Maciu, who has a little stand on the island.  He sits there all day carving details into Kava bowls, warrior clubs, and other trinkets.  Well, there were these little jars in our room that hold shampoo and lotion.  I loved them.  I went to the front desk to inquire about buying a few and they told me that the woodcarver made them.  So, I went to talk to Maciu. He lives in a village of woodcarvers.  Most of the men in his village share the same trade and then leave each day for different islands to sell their wares.  The ceramics he did just for the resort, it's not his skill.  I asked about the little jars.  He would have to "go to the interior to get the earth, then make them, and I could have them in 2 weeks time. I was so intrigued by his process - where do you get the clay, do you use a wheel, what does it look like?   GO TO THE INTERIOR TO GET EARTH!  Too cool.  I asked if I could go with him and he said YES!  So, I am planning now to meet up with him at the end of the week and we will do this project together.  I will get to make the little jars that I liked so much out of earth I went and dug up from the riverbed of the river I went rafting on just a week or so ago.  Kind of excited.

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