Thursday, October 30, 2008

Socks and G-d

I have one pair of socks here with me.  I wear them with my walking shoes.  And I wear them a lot. It often rains on my runs and my socks get soaked.  When I return from a run, I leave my socks in the sun to dry.  10 days ago my only pair of socks disappeared.  Gone.  I thought either the pool guy took them or the dogs couldn't resist their lovely aroma. 

One of my best girlfriends (you know who you are) just got through with a pretty nasty divorce. She commented the other day that through this last two years of difficulty, she has prayed a lot. She confided that everything she has prayed for in this hard time has come to fruition - in all different manners - guidance, a lovely house to live in, a loving man, financial stability.  She's been pretty amazed.

So, here I am in this beautiful land of many religions and lots of prayer.  And I thought... I'm going to give this a try.  I'm going to say a prayer, in earnest.  I have lots of things I would like to manifest in my life and I could sure use some help.  I thought I'd start out small.  I prayed for my socks to please come back to me. I really did.  

Now, I know this is hard to believe, or maybe it isn't, but the very next morning there was one sock in my yard. I was astounded.  It was absolutely a sign that somebody was listening.  I almost felt G-d giggling when I walked outside.  I was giddy.

Evidently returned by the dog, angels come in all forms.
I certainly never thought I'd have a complete pair of socks again,  I was content with a divine message and demonstrative gesture of support.  

You know the end of this story.  
The next morning, there it was.  
My second sock, sitting in the green grass at my front door.

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