Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Facts of Life - 4 things I really don't like

  1. 1.  Head lice and frequent lice checks
  2. 2.  Squished frogs on the road - driving at night there are tons of frogs on the warm concrete peel.  They seem to freeze in the headlights.  Squishing is inevitable, and really gross.  By day, on our bikes, a flattened frog is a common sight.  I'll spare you the picture on this one.
  3.  3.  Boils - boils are a staph infection.  They are very contagious and common on the kids at school. Preventative care is taking a shower and washing down every day right after school.  Alina can unfortunately tell you how painful they are.  And again, medical care here isn't like it is in the states.  
  4. 4.  Lizards - Mostly they are cute, harmless animals eating house bugs.  There are two things I really don't like about lizards.  One is that they leave little droppings all over the house. The other is that I keep finding them in my banana's.  They creep in to eat them and it's just disgusting to peel a banana and find a lizard in there having breakfast.  Yuck.  

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