Friday, October 31, 2008

Tapa Cloth Field Trip

Tapa is a fibrous paper made from bark.  It's mostly made in the South Pacific.  The bark is softened and then pounded to spread the bark into sheets.  Printing plates are made by carving into huge logs. The paper is spread over the log and the tapa is rubbed with dye to stain the sheet with a design. The raised area creates the design.

It's an incredible process I got to see in action at a faraway village.  I took a day trip to when the kids were in school.    These aren't my pictures however.  

I love the look of this paper!  I have been working with a local company to create a number of sheets of tapa with a cool design that includes the Petroglyph logo.  I am bringing a bunch home with the hopes of figuring out how to use this tribal decor at Petroglyph.  

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