I didn't realize what an idealic bubble we were in at the hostel. Rikki and Victor, friends, came to pick up me and the kids and move us into our house. It was a rude awakening. There was a lot of tension for me adjusting to this new life. My house had rats and cockroaches. I didn't have a car to get supplies or food. A walk to the local market yielded some staples of fruit, cereal, bread, peanut butter but not much to sustain us. No internet or phone left me feeling scared, alone, unsafe and unable to be resourceful. On top of that Jonah got sick, had 102 mosquito bites, a variety of cuts. I wondered if an amassed amount of bites could become toxic. One night at 10:00pm, he started to develop an allergic reaction to something. Rashes on his ankles, back of his knees, spread to welts on his torso and back, and a high spiking fever. Victor, friend staying with Rikki in the main house, recognized the symptoms, we went straight to the hospital. YIKES! I felt like Jonah's health was in more danger. It was dirty and drippy. I was swatting away moths and mosquitos. The "doctor" took his temperature, wasn't interested in seeing his body or symptoms, left for a bit, then came back with a ziploc baggy of antibiotics. Which Victor quickly pointed out wasn't the right medication for what Jonah was suffering. It was a long intense night, and when Jonah's symptoms finally subsided enough that he could sleep, I fell into a sobbing mess. I had never realized how safe it is in America and how many services are available to us. Now I have researched the closest "good" doctor. The nearest clean, safe hospital is an hour away, but I know where to go now if there is a problem. Another learning experience. Abundant on this trip.
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